The Bollywood circuit has been abuzz with the news of Shahrukh Khan and Ranbir Kapoor being caught smoking in public. While the legal measures are underway, something different is happening in the Tollywood circuit. This is about heroes taking a puff and letting out the smoke on heroine’s face.
It is heard that sometime back, Junior NTR did something like that with Ileana and it became a major controversy for many months. Now, it is heard that something similar has happened again. This time, the person to face the cigarette smoke is Kajal Agarwal.
Buzz is that a young hero with whom Kajal is pairing puffed the smoke on her face which didn’t go sweetly with her. As such, Kajal is known to be quite friendly with everyone on the sets right from the spot boys to her co-stars. It is not sure whether this is just a publicity stunt or whether they love to see the heroines in the clouds of cigarette smoke. By the way, who is that hero???
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